This Wicked Way Comes - Episode 13: Threats Growing Out From All Sides

July 19, 2020 01:11:15
This Wicked Way Comes - Episode 13: Threats Growing Out From All Sides
This Wicked Way Comes
This Wicked Way Comes - Episode 13: Threats Growing Out From All Sides

Jul 19 2020 | 01:11:15


Show Notes

Let’s ride on through the desert on a horse with two names, all my succulent sandworms of radioland. There’s always some new dysentery to die of out on the wasteland trail. It could be the fire raging in the passions of your heart, or the mushrooms growing out from behind your eyes. You should probably get a doctor to look at that. You know? Wouldn’t want a 'wrecked’em, damn near killed’em’ scenario.
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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:03 This wicked way comes as a work of fiction. That includes adult themes, language and subject matter. Listener discretion is advised. Speaker 1 00:00:12 Welcome to all you beautiful people out there in the radio wasteland. It's me. The unrepentant strumpet of the seventh trumpet DJ cash mile on a real quick and sober note. Doc Cassidy's canine grease has been discontinued due to several slip and slide related deaths and the unfortunate demise of one petroleum pioneer dot Cassidy himself. They say girls just want to have fun and all dogs go to heaven. So join us in wishing dot Cassidy, a slippery journey to the giant slide in the sky mazeltov motherfucker, you are made of stars. Hey man, welcome back to the wasteland fateful listeners. Let's roll the dice and see what's nice because out here it's as cold and harsh as it is hot and bleak. That's why I only wear a thong and flip flops everywhere I go. You're a fueling STJ is one melatonin motherfucker. To say the least, he loves that sweet sunshine. It's a dry heat. You know, so that's the halves gear up your grapes and plant on your waffles. On this episode of this wicked way comes featuring those nimble nomads of the big nothing, Maris and warble of the wasteland. Speaker 0 00:01:23 <inaudible> this isn't new. You've been here before so much so that you saw and realize you don't feel anything, not fear, not even pity for the dust heads, your whole life. Since you had to abandon the Waterhouse, people have been trying to take things from you, trying to prove something, trying to survive at your expense, trying to take what's yours. You talk without words, guns drawn the plan coming together in the space between your gaze. You've spent a lifetime moving together, thinking together, loving each other. The world has turned to muted, hues, nearly black and white extended by the bright whites of the fire, burning at your back at the blast of the shotgun. That blows Gilly from the top of the car. You nod to each other and wound up like a snake. You strike. So short recap, you were scavenging in this abandoned train yard. Speaker 0 00:02:27 And you met up with Horace, the old man who brought you into Escalante Lake and his Rick Shaw a few months back months back weeks, back months for us days for you, you had picked up Gilly from Laquint and brought her with you, even though she seems like she's kinda crazy. Uh, ex actually seems like she's super crazy because she killed her mom in tandem with her sister who was dying. Now a group of young gentlemen, we'll say who have referred to themselves as the cloud, crazies and frequently are screaming. The decree flooded the world with pus, threw a Molotov cocktail in the room you were scavenging through. And now you're stuck between them and a burning building. And Gilly popped up on top of a car and threw a knife at the back of one's head, I think. And then one of them turned and shot her in the chest and blew her off. Speaker 2 00:03:15 I have yeah. Five guys, five guys. Speaker 0 00:03:18 Ooh, fuck guys. You have five guys. Speaker 2 00:03:22 Gilly steps leader in head. Yes. I was confused from moment because I also have written down that, um, I found binoculars and a ghillie suit. So when you were talking about Gilly, I was like, did you choose that? Speaker 0 00:03:34 Yeah. Oh yeah. It's a, it's a, it's a costume that looks just like her. It's weird to have found that miles from where she grew up, but you know, it's a weird world. Yeah, no, you don't have to get a ghillie suits, a big furry, Speaker 2 00:03:50 Um, maybe, uh, Speaker 0 00:03:52 Foliage, foliage adjacent. Yeah. Something of that sort. Yeah. Um, so the club crazies are a couple of dudes. They're all like ratty and clearly high out of their minds. And they're wearing really shitty clothes that have like wires and shiny things woven through them. They look sharp, they look sh and not like, cool. Not like, not like, not like a couple of cool cats. Like they look like if you gave them a hug, you'd come away with several stamps. Speaker 2 00:04:20 Okay. And so were all there, Maris wearable will Chi and gold, gold Speaker 0 00:04:25 And horse who basically threw herself, threw himself under a table and is just like chattering to himself. Speaker 2 00:04:31 Right. And so we found Horace there. He's not with these guys. Speaker 0 00:04:34 No, he was there ahead of time. Acting kind of nuts. Okay. Speaker 2 00:04:38 Yeah. All I have written down was that he was there. Speaker 0 00:04:40 Yeah. He was digging around and he would go to a spot and then like digging it and then like run across the room, go to another random spot and then start digging around in there. Speaker 2 00:04:50 The last time I did, this was February 3rd. That's the, that's my date on my notes. That's a long March, Speaker 0 00:04:57 June five months. It's actually not as long as I thought it was, but the, but the visitors at home don't have to know that beautiful people out in radio land don't need to know how long a break we just took. Speaker 2 00:05:11 Okay. So have Maris act first, she will pull out her AR 15 and shoot some, Speaker 0 00:05:19 I believe most of your guns are in the car. Speaker 2 00:05:22 Oh, I will pull out my father's revolver because that is always on me and I will shoot. Cool. Speaker 0 00:05:28 So this is probably, I will shoot the men. This is probably a gang fight. Right. You know, since apocalypse world doesn't work the same way as a regular role playing game, dungeon the drink. I mean that game that everyone plays that no one's allowed to say because Sue lawsuits, you're allowed to talk about famous first rule of deep, deep, deep, deep Speaker 2 00:05:49 People are allowed to talk about things that exist in the world. Speaker 0 00:05:52 I think, I think we should just do this as a gang fight and see what happened. Cause basically like you and as evidenced by the flavor text at the beginning or are kind of moving in tandem. Speaker 2 00:06:01 Yeah, we are one, but we are too. Speaker 0 00:06:04 Yes. So we'll say it's a small gang versus small gang. Speaker 2 00:06:07 Okay. I only had single combat written on my, my cheat sheet. Speaker 0 00:06:12 So this would be seized by force because they want to, they want to fuck your shit up and you don't want to let them agreed. Okay. So it says when a gang is fighting, you get plus two and plus two armor. So roll plus two for your gang. Holy shit. 12. That's huge. I remember it's been awhile, but I do know that that's a good role. All right. So you get to choose a three, you inflict terrible harm. You suffer a little harm. You take definite and undeniable control of it. You impress dismay or frightened your enemy. Speaker 2 00:06:45 I get to pick how many, three. Oh. It's like almost all of them. Speaker 0 00:06:48 Yeah. So pick the one you don't want basically. Speaker 2 00:06:51 Um, I'm gonna not pick inflict, terrible harm. So I want to make sure that we suffer little harm. We take undeniable control and impress and dismay our enemies. Speaker 0 00:07:02 Damn how bad happens fast in this game. You come out the door left and right. And then what, like you were on either side of the door. Speaker 2 00:07:09 We're, we're both, uh, armed with our fathers were fathers, I guess. Yeah. Uh, yeah. We come at the, well, I don't know how much harm I inflict, but I want to say that we, uh, shoot them all. We shoot, we each pop off two shots and we get two of them. And so one of them is, uh, uninjured. That's what I want to happen. When that we've got both our, our pistols on the, um, the one, uh, who's still on. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:07:36 So you come out the door and before they even have time to raise their guns, there's just giant holes where their heads used to be. Oh no. And, uh, they, they slump over and into just kind of like a pile of blood jangling as they go down from all their pretty shiny is that were attached to their bodies. And the other one is just standing there and he just kind of like looks at you and looks left and right. And he's got these wild, crazy eyes and he puts his shotgun in his mouth and blows his head off. Speaker 2 00:08:00 Okay. Well, I guess we'll never know what they were about. Speaker 3 00:08:05 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:05 Did impress dismay and frightened him and now he doesn't exist. Speaker 2 00:08:11 No burgers, fries. Speaker 0 00:08:13 Kai is just like, Oh, I think before there's the guy who was putting it in his mouth. Kai was like, no, like don't do that. It's like, no, that's okay. Speaker 3 00:08:21 That's not necessary, Speaker 0 00:08:24 But you did definitely blow his friend's heads off. So that was aggressive and awesome. Okay. Speaker 2 00:08:30 I didn't say that we shot them in the head that was on you, but okay. Well, I it's, what's done is done, but Speaker 0 00:08:36 Yeah, he chose to inflict terrible harm where you did not because there maybe one of y'all took maybe goal or a Chi took a no, they didn't even have time to shoot. So nothing happened. Kai tripped and fell Speaker 2 00:08:48 And goal was just about to walk in the door and it was done. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:08:53 Yeah. She started to get by the fire that was burning in the building and ended up grabbing Horace and drag. Speaker 2 00:08:59 Oh, that was nice of her. Well, you two took care of the other two. She doesn't even know him yet. No, no she doesn't. But she's just like, this is some crazy man, but I guess I'll help. Speaker 0 00:09:09 I guess I don't want him to burn alive because of a couple of a dust heads. And at this point, Gilly comes kind of like crawling out from behind the car, like holding her chest, like Jesus Christ, that fucking hurt. But she's still wearing like SWAT gear. When you brought her from liquid, she came out and like full, like a full SWAT team uniform. And she's sweating like crazy. But at the same time she's alive. She maybe has like a, a couple of Nicks on her face and neck from her buckshot hitter. But she's mostly fine. She didn't like a flying off the car. Like she got shot. No, she got shot and fell down. Yeah. Is more, is more like, yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:48 Oh great. So the building still on fire. Can we get out great. Let's do that. Then we leave. We're Horrible's gonna snag a jingle. Speaker 0 00:09:56 Oh she does. She snags in generally? What is it? A bell. Okay. Speaker 2 00:10:01 Oh, like a, um, like Christmas bills. Like maybe like, like, yeah, I go with those round bells. Okay. Does she, um, what does she do with it? Ah, she puts it on her wrist. Okay. So she makes noise now. Speaker 3 00:10:12 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:10:16 Maybe not the best idea, but uh, Speaker 0 00:10:19 Full of the best ideas. I think Maurice would like look at her and be like, really? And then she'd like shake it at her, like Speaker 3 00:10:27 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:10:28 And Maurice would roll her eye and then warble would put her hand over her eye As a group y'all are kind of walking over to where these dudes were. They had like a couple of go-karts or buggies or something. See, y'all ended up standing over these like dead dudes kind of just like looking around then things start to get weird. It's like mid day it's super hot. Kai is kind of looking over at you or he's talking something about like these fucking fucking dust heads, like crack heads. I've always preferred crack heads over dust heads Speaker 2 00:11:02 As a word or as a are the different types of people. Speaker 0 00:11:06 It's a really a personality type dust heads tend to get a little more. That's not okay. I talked to just my philosophy on it always used to be a quote, a quote. I heard one time. It was pretty good. I liked it was a crack head will steal your shit and bounce and a tweaker will steal your shit and help you look for it. It's a terrible thing. Then he looks over at you and he's, he kind of like chokes up a second. He's like coward would love this. And then he sees you and he's like, aura, Speaker 3 00:11:40 Which Speaker 2 00:11:40 Warble? Maris. Who am I Maris? So I am not. Okay. It does not seem a Maris. Maris is feeling ill. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:11:51 Yeah. And warble at moment bends over and hurls onto one of the dudes, like straight up, like, like just loses whatever sad lunch you had at liquid breakfast. And then you wake up great. Where are we? It's dark and gritty. And when you open your eyes, it burns like sand just fell into them and you don't know, but your there's pressure on top. Speaker 2 00:12:15 Can I move my hands? Can we move our hands? Speaker 0 00:12:18 Sort of like you kind of try and lift your arms and there's a pressure holding them down, but it's loose. It's a loose pressure. Speaker 2 00:12:27 Okay. Can I wiggle it out of it? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:12:29 Yeah. Yeah. You, you wiggle up and you sit up and realize that you were buried under the ground and dirt. You were covered in a pile of loose dirt. Speaker 2 00:12:37 Great. So that was probably warm. That was probably it's cold, warm, but being in being covered was probably for, for weeks. Speaker 0 00:12:45 Well, Hmm. Speaker 2 00:12:47 Burying. Cause if it's shallow, right? Speaker 0 00:12:49 Yeah. Very shallow. Only like a couple of inches. But you both sit up and look at each other and you, your underground in a cave and it's dark. There are clusters on the ceiling that are admitting a faint blue light. Speaker 2 00:13:03 Do we have our way, Speaker 0 00:13:04 Uh, you have your like father's gun? Yeah. Revolvers, maybe sometimes a whole shit. Ton of knives. Only what you were carrying only what you were carrying when things went sideways. Right? Speaker 2 00:13:14 Okay. Um, those lights are really high up. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:18 Okay. Not like really high up. You could probably tag one if you jumped. But so right now you're just sitting in a pile of dirt. Speaker 2 00:13:26 I listen. Do I hear anything? Water dripping. I smell. What do I smell? Speaker 0 00:13:33 Earth. It smells earthy and dead. It smells like dead things. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:13:37 Yes. Is this a charge situation? I guess not this isn't that present? No, I can't read a situation. You can. And then I read a situation. Speaker 0 00:13:46 It's a unfamiliar situation. So you can read, you can read it switch. Speaker 2 00:13:51 She got four plus sharp it. Speaker 0 00:13:56 Okay. So still fails. Um, so Mark experience, we wouldn't do with experience. We traded in for more stats, more steps. Then you get every five, uh, experience. You can add a stat. I don't know, do your stats great. There were a bunch of other rules, but we're just going to stick to stats. You can read, you could see you leveled up here and change. Speaker 2 00:14:17 Yes. And I live with air. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:14:20 So that that's when you like cough and realized that your mouth was full of dirt too. And you kind of like cough in front of you and there's worms crawling in the dirt. It's very damp and smelly in here. It smells musty and dead and you can't really see much of anything happening except these bioluminescent clusters and warble is just like, Whoa, Speaker 2 00:14:42 Well, I'm still allowed to ask a question. I'm just have to be prepared for the worst. A so my question is, what's my enemy's true position. You, someone shuffling Speaker 0 00:14:52 Kind of back further away and they're not approaching you or even necessarily your enemy. But the only other presence in this room is, is forward. Presumably deeper into where this, what this place is that you just said it was behind me. Uh, no. Yes. It doesn't matter. Somebody forward. Yeah. Okay. Someone is, is deeper in the cave. It's like a large open room. It's kind of donut shaped. Really? You can assess that it's like a large room with a pillar in the middle. And then there's some like pocket caves off to the side. But for the most part, you're in a big room. There's one kind of like faintly lit hole that probably leads to the outside. But you can't tell because it's, it's only a hair brighter than the rest of the place. But your night vision is slowly kicking in and there's yes. There's another person there. You can start to hear them kind of shuffling around. Speaker 2 00:15:43 Alright. Um, Robel, cross flowed real fast to try to find her, the, the other person like who's there. Speaker 0 00:15:50 She crawls forward a bit and puts her hands into something black and sticky. Speaker 2 00:15:54 She keeps going. She does not mind being Speaker 0 00:15:58 Sticky. Okay. Yeah. That's true. Is kind of like reaches forward. Like wait, but warbles already like, like crawling forward on her hands and knees and she's just picking up black slime as she goes. Great. Where does she go from there? It's just straight forward. The person is kind of has realized you're there now and is stepping back and like evading you. She's not like going back and like terror, but she's just slowly moving backwards. Not letting you get to her. Speaker 2 00:16:26 I asked her, how, how did you get here? How did we get here? We're where, where are we? Who are you? I just want to know. I just want to know what's going on. Who, who are, who are you? My name? My name is horrible. Speaker 0 00:16:38 So you're like crawling after her for a second. And then you kind of quit and just like sit back and just be like, well, come on. Like, like I just want some answers. Speaker 2 00:16:47 Yeah. My name is warble. I have blue hair. I have a twin sister. She has one eye. Those are some things about me. Speaker 0 00:16:55 So she stops and she's wearing a big frumpy cloak that I don't remember what color it is. It's dark. We can't tell stark. You can't tell. It looks bluish down here because of everything that's fluid. The only source of light is a Navy blue light. You can see her considering you. Speaker 2 00:17:12 I asked her, are we in Primrose? Right? Speaker 0 00:17:15 Actually quite far from prim Rose. Speaker 2 00:17:19 That's where we were headed. Speaker 0 00:17:21 You shouldn't be back here Speaker 2 00:17:23 To be back here. That's what we're both says. She copies her. Speaker 0 00:17:26 So then the woman just like, and turns and walks away and it goes back to whatever she was doing, which it looks like she's going to these piles and just pushing more dirt on top of them. Her hands are very dirty. It's wet. The dirt is really wet though. Nothing in here is dry. The whole place is, is slimy and damp. Speaker 2 00:17:44 Alright, Maurice, uh, inspect some of this damp goo she picks it up in her fingers and smells and tries to figure out what, what the material is. Speaker 0 00:17:55 It's like a squishy ball that kind of squishes away in her fingers. Like she can push it together and it won't quite come apart, but she can kind of roll it around and upon closer inspection, it feels like she can't really see it, but it feels like it's moving. It feels like it has hair on it. That's moving. It's a very strange electric sensation. Okay. Speaker 2 00:18:14 She puts some of that in her pocket for later inspection. Okay. Oh, maybe, maybe when she can see it. It'll make some sense. Speaker 0 00:18:23 Yeah. Yeah. Google. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:24 Yeah. Um, let me write down Google, I guess. So put that in the gear and barter one, Google, um, this warble still jingle. Does she? Sure. Yeah. Okay. Well then I know exactly where she is. Speaker 0 00:18:40 That is true. So before Maris sits up, this woman is like right in front of her face. It still sounds like she's across the room, but she's, Speaker 2 00:18:46 She's been there. She is right in front of her face. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:18:49 And when you see her, it looks like her face is in two places at the same time. Where, what are those two places? Just not in the same place. Speaker 2 00:18:58 What? Like, if she's in front of me, Speaker 0 00:19:00 Uh huh. You can't, you can't like focus on her features. Speaker 2 00:19:03 Okay. So it's just, I have kind of like double vision you mean? Yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:07 Okay. Yeah. Which is weird. Cause you have an iPad job. Speaker 2 00:19:10 Yeah. I can't fix that. Great. Hi. I grabbed her. I attempt to hold her head still. Can I, Speaker 0 00:19:19 Um, when you, you put your hand up to like get you and she, she hits you in the armpit with a stun gun and zaps you Speaker 2 00:19:27 All right. Do I? Speaker 0 00:19:29 Yeah. You definitely do. So role, role harm. What's your armor look like you got to armor Speaker 2 00:19:34 Maris as to armor. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:19:37 So this thing, since she jams it into your armpit, she's actually able to Dodge your armor and hit you tight. So you suffer one harm. So role plus one six. Well, actually that's a good one. Like am I supposed to roll plus? No. Plus plus plus the number one, but that's good. Cause in harm you want to roll low. Okay, great. So, so you don't, you don't take any harm. Speaker 2 00:20:02 Dope. Maris is a ass, Speaker 0 00:20:04 But uh, you, you get hit hard enough that you fall back and like jerk for a minute. From the electricity you lose track of this woman is no longer near you and it occurs to you that she was probably going to say something to you. Uh, and then you blew it. Now she's over at warble Smith Speaker 2 00:20:21 Muddling her weird. There's a weird lady that is true. Speaker 0 00:20:25 Accurate. Speaker 2 00:20:26 Um, Mary says you, which tell me where we are. Speaker 0 00:20:30 She does not. She kind of like cleans into warble and she's like, we've met. Speaker 2 00:20:34 Is she saying that to Marisol? Horrible, horrible. She's ignoring mayors. Um, so she's behind the warble right now. Speaker 0 00:20:40 Yeah. She's like, like over her shoulder giving her a sniff smell. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:20:44 The warble leans back into her to like rest on her. And it looks like, have we, I don't remember. She Speaker 0 00:20:52 Let's you and she's looking down over you and it's the same thing. You have like double vision and can't place her face. It's like, it's moving slowly underwater, but twice it's like, she has two faces and they're slowly moving underwater next to each other and kind of into and through and up and down. And they just don't seem to line up. It's like double vision with a concussion Speaker 2 00:21:16 Marble horrible points. Her finger in her face, like from above is I've never met a lady with two faces before. How does two kids respond to that? Why don't you read a person? Oh yeah. That would have been a smart thing to do. Once we met the person, once I realized there was a person here. So that is it's plus sharp for warble. Yeah. I don't recall being very sharp. No, but she's got one sharp. Okay. So that's an eight, which is a mixed success. Speaker 0 00:21:45 Cool. So what is the say on an eight? On a seven to nine? Speaker 2 00:21:49 All my papers are also mixed up. Speaker 0 00:21:51 We can get you an iPad and iPad. I wouldn't mind that here that Apple here, that Tim cook, I'm calling you out. The future of this podcast depends on a, on a free iPad. Speaker 2 00:22:07 It turns out chill. Sherman would not decline a free iPad. Speaker 0 00:22:11 Close up on our Patrion. Tim cook. If we have, we don't have one yet. No we don't. Maybe by the time this goes up, Speaker 2 00:22:21 I mean so far for our podcast, it's even barely online. So Oh no. Don't don't Speaker 0 00:22:28 Don't shit on her. No one supporting Speaker 2 00:22:33 It. Didn't say anything. Your side of this, read a person. Hold one at any time now or later when you are interacting with this person, spend your hold to ask the MC one for one. I forget what one for one minute you can a Oh one per hold that I have, right? Speaker 0 00:22:53 Yeah. Okay. You can ask one of those questions based on one hold and the way we'd been doing that previous is that you had to be in conversation with the person, but I don't care about that anymore because it just makes it awkward. And it often robs you of the opportunity to actually use your hold since we don't have other players. Speaker 2 00:23:09 Oh. Cause if I had gotten that a full success I'd have had three holes. So I could have asked three questions. Right. I could have saved them and I could still save this one, but I won't bother. Cause yeah. Cause yeah. Cause I want to know something. Yeah. What does this person wish warble would do help her. She wants your help. Oh, well, why didn't she ask? She hasn't had a chance yet. Maurice tried to touch your face and then marble tried to touch your face. Speaker 0 00:23:36 Horrible. Didn't remember her. And she was offended. So in this reading of a person, you remember that you had followed this woman in Escalante Lake. I do recall when she hits you with a stun gun, when you tried to get near her? Yes. That did happen. Yeah. This is that woman. Speaker 2 00:23:51 Yeah. She was like dropping blue, blue balls where they balls. Speaker 0 00:23:56 They weren't balls. They were like flakes, but they were the same color as the lights on the wall. They just weren't lights. They were the same color. Yeah. She was littering. You just made my nose part. Speaker 2 00:24:15 Great. Well now wearable. Remember sir, was it wearable who was chasing her? Yeah. It's I'm pretty sure. Okay. Well then yeah. That's what warble says to her. I remember now you were, you were the lady who was littering in the Escalante Lake. Speaker 0 00:24:28 Another word I would use for it, but the word I would use for it is not necessarily pronounceable. Speaker 2 00:24:34 I'm pretty sure that is a core requirement of work. Speaker 0 00:24:38 So you're like leaning on her still. And she's kind of like settling down a little bit. So you're sitting like you're in the park having a picnic now where she's cross-legged and you're laying across her side and she she's like playing with my hair. Maybe, maybe her hands are like really dirty, but yeah, she's playing with her crawled through all the sludge. So yeah. So she's like kind of playing with your hair, kind of smearing black goo all over you and she doesn't say anything. She just starts considering you and looking you over. And she starts humming a song that you don't really Speaker 2 00:25:09 Cool. I asked her, is that why she's in jail with us is because of the littering fines. Do they add up, Speaker 0 00:25:17 Well, where does she, she kind of giggles. She gets the joke. Oh this is the furthest thing from a prison. You could imagine this is freedom really? And you're going to help me with all of it Speaker 2 00:25:33 With freedom. You need help with freedom. If you have freedom. What Speaker 0 00:25:39 I think at this time to Maris has kind of come back to her sensors and she's like, marble, what the fuck? What are you doing? Like, she's she like sees this and she's like, what? The, what the fuck is wrong with you? We gotta get the fuck out of here. And the woman then like takes some of the shit on the ground and anoints your forehead with it. She, at this point you realize that she hasn't been talking. Speaker 2 00:26:01 She didn't say any of that before. Speaker 0 00:26:03 No, but you heard it all and merit, but Maris hasn't she's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Cause you've just been talking Speaker 2 00:26:10 Then she double didn't have to pronounce that word if she's not even saying them. Speaker 0 00:26:15 So it's about now that you hear the word and it doesn't sound like a word, you don't hear a word, you feel this idea of something growing up beneath the surface and then erupting. But instead of fully erupting it bubbles up and then sinks back down and then goes back into the earth and then bubbles up down there and then does the same. And each time growing larger as it comes back and forth, and then you see piles of dead. And I said, got it. Speaker 3 00:26:45 <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:26:49 I do not know the word for that. Speaker 3 00:26:54 Okay. Speaker 0 00:26:54 I can see that you understand the pain of childbirth, how painful it is to bring something into this world and not understand it and to attempt to control it. But all the, while it controls you. And at this point, she, she doesn't really do much of anything. Maurice is crawling towards you guys. Now what the fuck? Horrible. We going to go like the fuck are you doing? You didn't hear that. Maris is growing more and more concerned for warble and the cave lights up now. Not in like a bright way, but in a way that you can make, that's been shining bright the whole time. I'm surprised you didn't go for it before you really dropped the ball on that one. Yeah. There's enough light now to see that you can see here's another thing there's no word for. There are bodies hanging from the walls Speaker 2 00:27:43 Of where we are right now. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:27:45 Hmm. And from those bodies, they're hung upside down. They're all women don't recognize any of them. No, they're all pretty far gone. And they're like smeared with this goo from their crutches are growing these blooms of glowing blue mushroom things. It pretty, it is. It rather is, but it looks kind of like this. She drew, she looks kind of happy. She's stoked from what you can make of their faces. They're all in a state of ecstasy. Hmm. That's nice. Why, why died and open mouth, but not in a painful way. None of them look like they're in pain. Speaker 2 00:28:26 Now that the lights are on Maris looks for the exit. Speaker 0 00:28:30 It's still the same faintly lit cave you saw before. Speaker 2 00:28:34 There's not like a door in between any of these, these upside down ladies. Speaker 0 00:28:38 No, no. It's just a cave. You see now that from the ceiling of the cave are white tree roots growing down exposed kind of dead looking. And they're peppered with these blue mushrooms as well. Some of the roots are bluish. Like what killed your horses in the first episode? And they're above you. Speaker 3 00:29:00 Okay. Now I know where I am. Yeah. Do you though, Speaker 0 00:29:07 You're being pretty coy about it. So I don't really think you do know. I am back at 100 Hill. You're under, I'm just underneath it. You're underneath it. Yeah. Or inside or inside the Hill. You may also remember that when warble was electrocuted by this woman, the first time she saw 100 Hill as a pregnant woman, when she was hallucinating, she saw that her and Mary is sleeping on top of a pregnant woman's belly with a white tree growing from the navel. And now you can see above you the roots of that tree peeking through the dirt. I see. Hmm. But it's weird that it's soaking wet in here. Whereas a hundred Hill was dry as a bone. Speaker 2 00:29:46 Yeah. And the Lake was a, was it drying up the Lake? Yeah. So I guess that turned around for them maybe. Well we'll, we'll see. Speaker 0 00:29:55 Maurice is starting to Intuit that since there's so much growth down here that maybe this is where the water is going. Okay. And at this point, the woman rubbing warbles head, I think they've been making, not small talk, but they've been talking each other in circles for a few minutes is Maurice has been looking around and it finalizes with the woman who she never really tells you a name, but horrible just starts calling her Hester. It comes out of nowhere. It really just pops into her head. She explained her name, but it wasn't in a word. Speaker 2 00:30:27 It was another one of those, not a word word. Speaker 0 00:30:31 And as Maris kind of clicks back into the conversation, she hears Hester say out loud from two places. At one time, I have willed them into existence, but I have given them no purpose. They have stopped speaking to me. We were once reciprocal, but now they've given me no purpose. I am lost. And she says this holding Horrible's heads. I decided like leaned in real close. But all Maris can think about is how these mushrooms growing from these women's crutches looks a lot like where animals would root at the softest parts of a corpse. I think, I think we're already to get to here now. Cool. So you blink and you're both sitting on top of horses on top of 100 Hill. Our horses are alive. No, but they're animated, but there's nothing around you. You can see the wall where Escalante Lake was, but it's bashed in and burned down and crumbled. Speaker 0 00:31:23 And the town is just kind of smashed to shit. It looks like something huge stepped on it. Like the whole place is just flattened and smoldering and the Lake is receded into the distance. You can't even see it. It doesn't even contact the town anymore. There's an orange haze to the air and that same earthy smell. You can't see anything living except for these patches of blue mushrooms. You can see the blue caps of the mushrooms in clusters, peppering the area. They don't seem to have a real pattern, but they are in the lower points in the valleys between the dunes. But everything is even more desert like than you remember it being instead of low scrub, there's just sand Speaker 2 00:32:03 Maris checks her pocket and pulls out her Google it's dry. Now does it like crumble? Speaker 0 00:32:09 It doesn't crumble, but it's fuzzy. Cool. Speaker 2 00:32:11 Uh, she puts her Fez ball back. Speaker 0 00:32:13 Well, marble would be like, what's that Speaker 2 00:32:16 Danielle, she offers it to her. She takes it. Speaker 0 00:32:21 And what does she say? Thank you. <inaudible> and the horses start to walk. Speaker 2 00:32:30 Where do they take us? Are we in control Speaker 0 00:32:33 You? It feels like you are, you are guiding them, but they're going wherever they want. So it's almost as if through muscle memory, you're going to the same place. Great. And so the horses take you down 100 Hill and you remember Horace taking you in on his Rick Shaw and passing through the Gates. Warble had waved to a woman who was working on the wall that was being fortified by multiple workers. At the time it was growing the mall, getting larger and larger. And even it may have even grown significantly in the day or two. You were been there. This was new. This was a new development. This is something they were working on and working on very quickly. But now it's so flattened. Now it's going, the whole city is gone. There's nothing here. What do you remember about the wall that maybe you didn't notice before? So here, I want to do a thing where you were going to take like a small journey through where we've been so far. And I'm going to ask you questions about those places and these aren't things. You're trying to remember there. Things Maris and marble are remembering things they may have missed before. So I'm not saying there's a right answer. This isn't a memory game. It's a, Speaker 2 00:33:41 Yeah, I follow cool. Okay. You're asking me to flesh out since. Speaker 0 00:33:45 Yeah. So I'll just make a note here that says flourish. So what do you, what do you <inaudible>? Um, so warble remembers waving to a woman, wielding a blow torch. Uh, they were basically all working and sitting on. It was like a swing where it had like a piece of wood and two pieces of rope run up to the, to the top of the wall that they could be lowered and moved to different working locations on the walls. Mostly made a junk. But were there any details that you have forgotten Speaker 2 00:34:23 Bones, more bones than I remember I noticed junk, you know, they're making it out of whatever, but now I'm like, Oh, bones are there too human or animal unclear, unclear. It could be horses, horse bones. Although if the horses are all coming back to life, then maybe not hard to say clearly our horses didn't make it into the wall. Speaker 0 00:34:43 You see bones integrated into the wall in a way you don't, you didn't remember before it blended in. So well with the junk that it wasn't immediately clear. But now thinking back the organic shapes among all the weird geometry of metal and garbage, it gives it a sharpness that you don't remember before. It just seemed like a blunt heavy object, but now it seems more aggressive now than it was before. And Horace is still babbling on to you taking you into town. It's weird. Speaker 2 00:35:11 Okay. Yeah. He's, he's just he's there now or always was like a dream Speaker 0 00:35:17 And he's been babbling on about the town and about shit, but it's all shit you knew already because you have been here before the wall was much smaller and way more insignificant, but now it's like brutal and large and violent. So you just come across him back at the train yard, bringing things kind of around. And he's just like a dirty crusty old man. But he has you now staring at the back of him that through his like ratty shirt, you can see a huge tattoo on his back. What is it? Bunny, bunny, what kind of bunny? Easter like very blatantly Easter, like a basket full of eggs. Speaker 2 00:35:49 Versioning. It's got a bow tie for sure. Yeah. Basket full eggs. Huh? That's true. Speaker 0 00:35:55 It's very sun faded and hard to make out. And that's probably why you didn't see it before, but it's definitely there. There's definitely a large bunny on his back. Speaker 2 00:36:03 Great. We might not know what Easter is though, but we do. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:36:08 I don't think you know what Easter was. You weren't, you weren't raised particularly religious or at all because surviving was way more important than Jesus. And that is to your father's credit. He didn't teach you how to survive. It annoys you that he's part of the reason you're alive because you feel like your mother's teachings weren't as practical as your fathers, but he's definitely been a significant presence in keeping you alive all these years. You pass that pile of dead bodies. Again, it's bluer this time. You do notice that that there's a correlation between the blue, from the cave. And you didn't know it before because you didn't have the cave to reference. You only had that root that killed your horses. But now you can see that these people's mouths are kind of bluish and there's the blue is like flaking off of them. And as it leaves their bodies, it turns to like a black color and then kind of dissolves into a fine powder. You can tell that this has been happening slowly over time, but now it seems sped up and aggressive. And uh, is there anything else about them that didn't make sense before Speaker 2 00:37:07 Her hair and fingernails are also still growing Speaker 0 00:37:10 And none in the way, like a body typically decays where the skin pulls back, it sort of looks like it. Yeah. In this case, it actually is still growing. Their nails are like very low two inch, two inches long. And they're all hairy. The entire degree of their body hair is still growing. Whereas most hair caps out after a certain length there's has just gone like nuts there. They're not like furry. Yeah. But yeah, some of them, depending on how long they've been dead, it seems like they're still growing. I think their teeth have started growing too. Cool. That would be more noticeable. That's what's weird. And one or two of them have horns growing out from strange places in their bodies. Not like from the top of their head, like a devil, but just out of a midsection or off a shoulder. It's like a brownish shit Brown color. Speaker 0 00:37:56 So look around, look around the town. Look at where we are. When you pass through here before it was like a junk town like favela. There were lots of buildings on top of buildings and people kind of just living in these makeshift three story, tall junk shacks. But it had a very like old world, European city to it, small streets with these tall buildings and people hanging out their windows and doing whatever there seemed to be like a life to this place. And as you move through it, it's the opposite. Now there's nothing here. There's not sound there's barely any smell. There's no, it has no physical sensation. The only thing you really feel is the wind. Speaker 2 00:38:31 Okay. What does that mean? No physical sensation. It means exactly that you feel it. You can't Speaker 0 00:38:36 Smell it. You can't hear it. Speaker 4 00:38:38 Yeah. Okay. That's fine. Speaker 0 00:38:40 And you could, like, you could feel your horses underneath you. You can feel things. Speaker 4 00:38:45 Oh, like I wouldn't be, I don't know. I wouldn't be feeling the building unless I'm touching it. Not touching any of the buildings. I probably never did. Cause you don't usually touch buildings. Speaker 0 00:38:56 Hmm. So, uh, the horses kind of continue directing you through town. You pass through the market and there's nothing there. The place that Frankston Pepper's stall was, it's just burned over. There's some, there's some bits of the tarps still nailed to pieces of wood that supported it, but it's all crumbled and gone. There's just nothing. There's just nothing there. Bed frame is still there. That's kind of weird. That's pretty weird. Huh? Their bed frame is still there, but, and like the, the mattress is burned out. So it's just like the Springs and the steel frame. But there's none of the other stuff that was here. It's just the bed. You move through town some more. And you come to that fountain, that dry fountain outside of Boston bank and murcott is sitting there in a Hawaiian shirt, kind of slowly raking the sand in there into patterns, just using like a Zen garden. But he doesn't have a little rake. He has, he's just using his three fingers and he's kind of like leaning back against it, doing this while also smoking a cigarette tricky. He's a very tricky guy. And he's also doing those two things. It's pretty weird. It's crazy. He doesn't even really look up when you come up, he just gives you like a side long glance. I was wondering when you'd get here, what do you want to remember? Speaker 4 00:40:12 Maurice says pug Benny's prison. That's all she asks. She doesn't want to indicate she has any feelings. She's Speaker 0 00:40:19 That's what I want to know. And well, he's, he's something like, well, you're going to have to tell me more about that. I live here and he kind of gestures to the area around, which is all still smoldering and burned out. And the sky is bright. Right. Speaker 4 00:40:30 So Maurice has to say Speaker 0 00:40:33 You were both there. She doesn't remember. She doesn't remember it. So the rules don't really matter here. True. The rules aren't the same here. Speaker 4 00:40:41 Okay. Um, Maris, uh, calls bullshit. She said Speaker 0 00:40:45 <inaudible>. Speaker 4 00:40:48 She says, uh, if you're you're my brain. So you know, you know exactly. So go ahead. Speaker 0 00:40:55 <inaudible> Speaker 4 00:41:01 I think that's Maris. That's not, that's not me trying to pass the buck. Speaker 0 00:41:05 <inaudible> Speaker 4 00:41:10 I think, I feel like that's Maris. Doesn't want to talk about her. Yeah. She's she's Speaker 0 00:41:15 Matthew is trying to help Jill contribute to the story because sometimes he feels like he's talking to himself. I don't have any idea what happened and played Betty's prison. I haven't written that far ahead. So I would also be making it up on the spot. So I don't know. That was just like a story seed something Speaker 5 00:41:34 Later that was planted there. So you could kind of fill it in. So it's uh, I kind of was trying to, I was trying to include you, but you want me to just do it all by myself, so that's cool. I can do that. Speaker 4 00:41:49 It was one of my things Speaker 5 00:41:52 I know. And, and in the end you're not wrong to use it, but you want to maybe ask a different question. Maybe we'll cut this part out. Speaker 4 00:42:01 I don't know any of these things I feel like is avoiding me. The question that would be asked. Speaker 5 00:42:06 Well, here's the thing like those are written to take place in the real world where people have motivations and answers. We're kind of in a dream space right now. Merkin has answers to questions he's privy to, but not ones that happened when he didn't exist or wasn't there. Well, you got me. You really got me. I'm working on that. So I think, I don't know what happened to book Benny's prison. Speaker 4 00:42:36 Well, next, uh, next item on the list of things that Maris would do is, uh, she pulls out her knife and threatens to tell her the answer to her question. But I mean, I guess she is basically pulling a knife on herself. Maybe what happens now is ma merkin turns into Maris. And now she's threatening Maris to tell her the answer. There we go. Okay. Speaker 5 00:43:04 So Mary Mary's doesn't have the answer. So she's turning the knife on threatening herself. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:43:08 Yeah. But like she just told merkin that he was her and that, and he's like, and he's like, I don't know. Now you, so look at that storytelling, Speaker 5 00:43:18 Storytelling. Yeah. So when you do this, you suddenly are like pointing a knife at yourself. And the other Marist puts her hands on her hips and she's like, fuck you. And then off to the side, you see, warbles like, Whoa. Merkin is now sitting at a table, eating a steak. And on the table is the lower half of a woman from like the navel down. And then at the other end of the table, his boss head on a plate, he says, you know, he's a, he's like eating and chewing and like cutting pieces off the state. And he's like, you know, there's more gristle in these things and you really expect there to be, I kind of thought it'd be a little heartier, eating rich people is supposed to be like the best, right? That's what all of the tee shirts saying shit. And you'd think it'd be like a better quality of me. Speaker 5 00:44:00 Whereas poor people are like scared all the time. So you think their meat would be bitter and he's like eating legend. The thing you figure is that poor people would be like, not as tasty, the meat would be tougher or more acidic because of all of the lactic acid that appears in their muscles due to just like a general sensation of fear. Uh, but I don't know, this doesn't taste much different to me. And then also sitting there is rash. Ivy, her feet are up on the table and dirt is falling off of her boots into his food. There's also a giant, not giant. It was a very tall black man sitting there, standing behind her, like rubbing her shoulders and he's wearing a polo shirt. Speaker 4 00:44:37 I've never seen this man before. He doesn't sound like somebody I've seen before. I think warbles going to chime in about the eating, the rich, uh, thing. Well, I think the, that guy who eats the rich, uh, he doesn't look so, so hot to me. Cause, uh, if you recall from the very beginning, a warble likes fun. T-shirts so she's referencing the gritty meme. Speaker 5 00:45:03 I've not seen the gritty meme, no Speaker 4 00:45:05 Gritty the field to the Phillies sky. Yeah. I mean his like catchphrase. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:45:11 It's either really? I have to Google this. It looks pretty stoked to me. Speaker 4 00:45:16 Well, stoked is different than, um, I don't know. Speaker 5 00:45:22 How did they land on something so perfect. Is this the tee shirt you're thinking of? Speaker 4 00:45:28 I just know it's a meme, so I didn't have a particular, Speaker 5 00:45:32 I'm going to order that right now. So good. I need that in my life. Here's what if it like crawling out from underground burdens? Like I have no idea what he's like my, my 20th century pop culture, knowledge is pretty on point, but I do not know what you're talking about. Speaker 4 00:45:53 Well, since this is a dream warble, we'll just, uh, unzip, projected and she's wearing it. So Speaker 5 00:46:01 Yeah. And he's just like, yeah. Okay. I get it. He looks like he knows what he's talking about. Speaker 4 00:46:06 Uh, warble apps that, that this guy does not look like. He knows a thing or two about anything. Speaker 5 00:46:13 The man with rash, Ivy says, yeah, it looks about right to me, rash Ivy like throws her head back and she's like, I'm bored. This is boring. All you had to deal with. Speaker 4 00:46:21 Oh, a woman us. We, we might've. No, you didn't. I was there. Well we didn't, but we may have done it eventually. Speaker 5 00:46:30 Megan's like, no, you wouldn't have, I gave you too many mixed signals. I'm sure you weren't, you wouldn't have been able to figure it out on your own, but your buddy Kai was too. What's the word? Chicken shit to just do it himself. He had to drag you to, into this. And then the big guy says, sounds kind of fishy to me. Sure. Speaker 4 00:46:46 True. Kai's not really a leader. I guess Speaker 5 00:46:49 I'd say, Hey, wasn't he at a pug Benny's prison too. Speaker 4 00:46:52 You don't know that. Or maybe I do Speaker 5 00:46:54 The table and everything is still there, but he's over raking his garden now rash. Ivy's leaning over to pick little bits of food off the plate and just like pop in those little meat candies. And the dude behind her is really like, went like an elbow thing into her back to work out a knot in her muscle. Speaker 4 00:47:09 Uh, cool. Google. So wearable trends. And I've got a question who killed the world and she, uh, she pokes it in the, in the nose and he doesn't answer. And she pokes him again. Speaker 5 00:47:19 Who does she poke? Markin. He just like, he fucks up the pattern. He's a raking. When you do that, he like gestures over the table. Come on. This isn't, this isn't question. It looks like he's gesturing towards. Right. Speaker 4 00:47:32 So I asked rash Ivy. I put my face in front of her face and I asked about the world Speaker 5 00:47:37 And she does the same thing. And she's like, I don't know. Maybe you Speaker 4 00:47:41 Don't think so. Oh no. I asked the tablet Speaker 5 00:47:44 And he's like, yeah, it was you. It was definitely, you know, Speaker 4 00:47:47 Well, I don't remember that, but I don't remember a lot of things. Speaker 5 00:47:51 Uh, the big dude takes out a gun and shoots Markin and blows his head off and uh, rash leans her head back and she's like, thanks, honey. And then he's like, what are you even doing now? Speaker 4 00:48:01 Having a dream? I think, right? Speaker 5 00:48:03 I mean, like not here, here, like here at all. I mean, living, living, living in a world that you think is dead. Speaker 4 00:48:10 Yes. Isn't that what we're all doing? Speaker 5 00:48:12 It seems kind of pessimistic to me. So is the world not dead? I mean, it's kind of in the eye of the beholder, isn't it? And he picks up a crab off the table and squeezes it. I think it goes whoop Bobby. And he crushes it in his hand. Speaker 4 00:48:27 Horrible is devastated. Why would you do that to her? Speaker 5 00:48:31 And then he opens his other hand and there's a crab there already. She snatches it. He he's faster than she is. He tosses it back and forth like whoop Speaker 4 00:48:43 And warble tries to catch him. Speaker 5 00:48:46 And he just puts his hand on your face and pushes you down into the dirt. And he's like most things out here in the eye of the beholder. Aren't they big Elvis knew Speaker 4 00:48:55 <inaudible> Maurice goes to comfort forcible and pick her up. And she, uh, tells, tells the big band to, to fuck off. And uh, they walk away Speaker 5 00:49:05 The moment you tell him to fuck off him and rash. Ivy are like down the street, walking away from you. Like they're gone. Didn't like them. No, that was unpleasant. And merkin sits up. And he's just like, I hate it when he does that. But he's like, his face is like blown open. And when he says this to you, he's now sitting behind the desk in Boston office and he leans back and puts his hand behind his head. And he's like you to just have all the answers don't you and you guys are sitting down in the two club chairs that were in front of the desk that you were at when she gave you the job. And Horigan wheat is sitting off to the side, just covered in blood and he's wiping off a machete. He's wearing pants and boots, but no shirt. And you can see the sec dummies, mastectomy scars, uh, where his breasts were. He like wipes off the machete and then he picks his nose and he flicks it away. And as you're in the office, you recognize that the whole place is like overturned and fucked up. And there's blood on the walls. And everything is just trashed. Speaker 4 00:50:03 I asked where I asked where's boss. Speaker 5 00:50:05 Oregon's like, we haven't seen her since we cut her head off. So heaven, I don't know. Alright. So she's exactly where she deserves to be Speaker 4 00:50:13 Great. Are you bust now? Are you the new boss? Speaker 5 00:50:16 I may dabble. I've thought to maybe dabble, but there's not much here left. That would be worth my time. Really? What have you done with my daughter? Speaker 4 00:50:24 Um, well, nothing really is not our fault. Speaker 5 00:50:28 Possibly. Could it have not have been your fault? You took her with you not on purpose, purpose. How would you miss a 16 year old girl in a car of that size? She obviously went with you willingly, but what did you, what did you promise her out there? That I could not provide her in here. She Americans like he's got it. Speaker 4 00:50:45 No, she's she was a stowaway. She was hiding. You know, we had that giant gun. No, those weapons. You can miss a tiny little, little teenager. That sound like Bo at all to me. Don't know what to tell you. Uh, maybe you don't know Bo as well as you think you do. Gotcha. Gotcha, mr. Mom. Well, regardless, we're trying to get her back. So, you know, get off my case Speaker 5 00:51:11 With this. A big man comes in bald overweight. He doesn't look like he just went through a blood bath, but he's got like a black guy and he comes in new Orleans down to Oregon and he's like, they're here. And Oregon is like, I know they're here. They're right in front of me. And the band looks at him and he's like, Hey, huh. Oh, okay. And then he, he looks you two over, like, I know you, but then he leaves right back out the door. Horigan levels the machete at Maurices face. And he's like, bring her back, bring her back to me. Speaker 4 00:51:37 But duly that I guess a warble system. Speaker 5 00:51:43 Yeah, that sounds more like a, Speaker 4 00:51:46 Yeah. That's like our whole mission. And I guess you brought us here to like dream about shit, but we got some world real-world, we've got some real world. I can't talk real world real. We have some real worlds plans. It gotta get done IRL. So put our brains back in our faces, please. Speaker 5 00:52:08 And with that, you're, you're standing in the desert miles from anything it's still dark. The sky is red. You hear a storm off in the distance, but there's nothing really around except a campfire that you're standing by and a fads is standing there with you. And he kind of looks around. I'm not supposed to be here. And he sees you too. And he's like, what? I didn't expect to ever see you two again, either. What are we doing here? And then the scene, the scene things kind of like shift. It goes sideways for a second. And then across from you, Frankston and pepper are screwing like hardcore and fads flushes. And he's just like, Oh, he turns around real quick and kinda like puts it. He like grabs the tip of his nose. Like he's trying to like, not look at them, but they're, they're going at it hardcore. And Pepper's wearing that metal bra that you, you had one too until it until y'all Billy took it. Yeah. Yeah, he did. Yeah, he did. And the two of them look over and see you. And they're like, Oh, didn't see you there so glad you could make it, but that's not their voice coming out of them whose voices that you don't recognize. It sounds like it could be there, but it's it's wrong. There's definitely something about their attitude. You can send some motivation there that you didn't sense before. What is it? Speaker 4 00:53:22 It seems like they're fucking with us. Well, like the seems seems off. Yeah. Um, well, like normally they're, they're very into warble and I don't know, they seem a little high and high and mighty right now. Whereas normally they're, they're like her follower, her admire hers. So they should be Speaker 5 00:53:42 Motivation. So as, as warble, articulates that in her brain, they're both like on either side of her, like pulling at her like, Oh, warble, you came back. We're so happy you came back. We thought, we thought we'd never see you again. And they're both trying to like, feel you up Frank's is trying to like stick his finger in your ass. And pepper is getting up under your shirt. Speaker 4 00:54:01 This doesn't seem right. Either is too aggressive. Um, Mirabelle closes her eyes and tries to like poop them to a new location. Like let's get at it. Speaker 5 00:54:14 Yeah. Uh, but it's not, it's not working. They're still just feel you up. And I think around this time, Frank's is, uh, pretty much about to stick his finger in your butt. Speaker 4 00:54:23 No warble, warble, smacks, maximums, Speaker 5 00:54:28 Smacking their faces. This is, this is not sexy. This is right. As warble starts to do this marriage kind of clicks in and she grabs him by like his hair. And she like throws him over the campfire. It's kind of like smoldering. Like it's not a raging fire, but he falls over that and then pepper shrieks. And it goes to tend to him and she looks back to normal and she's like, I thought that's what she wanted. And then she shrinks down very small until she's gone. And Frank super does. Yeah, pepper does. And Frank is like, what'd you what'd you do with her? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Speaker 4 00:55:00 Warble. Scrunches her eyes and tries to shrink Frank's down. She has no control. Speaker 5 00:55:07 She has no control over that. Speaker 4 00:55:09 It's her brain. I'm assuming. So, you know, she's trying to a lucid dream. Speaker 5 00:55:13 Frank stands up and he's wearing his clothes again. And he's holding like a Badger and it's thrashing and trying to get out of his hands. And he did with his other hand, he grabs it and he breaks its neck. And then he throws it into the fire and then gets on a motorcycle and drives off into the distance. But there is no distance. It's just all horizon all around you. It's like a red desert horizon. So he drives into the distance. If you see him get smaller and smaller until he disappears. Cool. Speaker 4 00:55:41 So now it's just, um, fads. Speaker 5 00:55:45 Oh yeah. Yeah. He's still there, but he's a much, much like in life, he's kind of taken a step back and is not, doesn't have any reaction to anything that's going on. And he's just like, that was, what was that? What was that about? Speaker 4 00:55:56 That was about, um, our brains making nonsense, I think. Hmm. What do you think feds? Speaker 5 00:56:06 I think those two are trying to tell you something. I think everyone here is trying to tell you something and you're, you're just looking right through it Speaker 4 00:56:12 Probably. But they are doing, they're not being very direct or if they are Speaker 5 00:56:18 Well, something my grandmother always told me was it's not necessarily the it's about asking the right question and then he's gone. So multiple things happened from this point. Basically you had left Escalante Lake, you went out into the desert and poked around. You went to Al Garvey his camp, where she was murdered and then new and Beau were kidnapped that night. They were kidnapped. Um, you heard a sound, you couldn't identify what was it? You can hear it now clear as day Speaker 4 00:56:45 A dolphin, the laughing Vicky. That's sort of what a dolphin sounds like. Yeah. Maybe we get to go to the ocean. You've been to the ocean. Sounds better than the desert. Speaker 5 00:56:55 Yeah. You'd be surprised. Yeah. I mean, kill cities on the water. Kill cities on the Pacific. So you've, you're familiar with the ocean. Speaker 4 00:57:04 Yeah. Yeah. Oceans can be gross. I forgot. Speaker 5 00:57:06 Yeah. Especially now that all of the garbage ever isn't it, sometimes it's on fire. So that night when y'all Billy came through and kidnapped knew, and Bo you heard a dolphin laughing in the background as he was basically admiring warbles tits and uh, and then yeah. Yeah. And making fun of Mariss tits, basically the same different, same girl, different tits. It's weird. When you were at big Elvis's he had portraits of women on the wall. He did. Yeah. What do you mean? Yeah, they were all like women from the sixties, almost with big bouffant hairdos. And they were all black and white photos with pink lips. What do you remember about those? Speaker 4 00:57:49 I feel like they were like watching us. Speaker 5 00:57:51 So, I mean like, what do you remember now in this space? Speaker 4 00:57:53 Yeah. Like, do I remember something new, um, earrings? Speaker 5 00:57:57 Yeah. A few of them had diamond earrings, small little gemstones, but they were all the same when they, when they were there, they were all the same. Speaker 4 00:58:04 I remember ornate frames. The frames were very big, probably too big for, for what the, Speaker 5 00:58:10 They were, they were ornately carved, but they were black lacquer. So black, almost like the frame wasn't there. You could see an ornately carved shape around the photos, but it almost seems like negative space. Speaker 4 00:58:22 What do you mean? So it wasn't there. I just remember, I remember the shape. You mean, I remember a shape that wasn't there. Speaker 5 00:58:28 It was so black that it looked like it was a hole. There was a frame there, but the black was so black that it looked like a whole, like, I could put my hand through it. Yeah. Just the frame. The photos were still where the photos were, where they were supposed to be. But the frame was like this empty space. Almost got it. Like a bugs bunny tunnel Speaker 4 00:58:48 Color paint from Speaker 5 00:58:50 Right. Acme, Acme. You're you're back on the couch at Laquint. Okay. But no one else is there. Great. All those people were crazy. It was rad. It was fucking awesome. It's stressful. I think there's no one else there, but you do see that in this space. You don't realize it at first. Cause they're not making any noise, but Quint is strung up by his hands. He's tied up high enough that only his toes are kind of touching the ground. He's been stripped nude and a yacht. Billy is there beating into his, when he's asking him questions, but they're not making any sound like he's hitting him and you don't hear anything and you can see their mouth moving, but you can't hear anything, but you do catch one or two words out of the exchange. Speaker 4 00:59:33 Yeah. We can kind of, we're trying to read their Mel's and me. You get, what is it? Um, Speaker 5 00:59:38 Mother. Yes. Speaker 4 00:59:42 She'd probably say them, but I thought like <inaudible> Speaker 5 00:59:45 So you, you catch the word mother and then one more, whatever it is, it's heavy. And it makes you both kind of like draw your breath. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:59:54 I was, I was trying to think of words to mouth. And then I was, I was thinking about how, uh, if you mouth vacuum, people think it's fuck you. I was so I don't want all of juice. What is all I love? I love you. Yeah. I'll look juice. Um, Speaker 5 01:00:09 And that was at summer camp. One year, there was a kid who was deaf from meningitis and like, he's a very angry kid. He looked a lot like your brother actually. Um, but he was a very angry kid. People would fuck with them. Not, not that much. He also would do this thing where he would wake up in the middle of the night and like sit up and like yell. Was he in your phone? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So they tried olive juice. Somebody tried to do that to him once and he was just like, you love juice. <inaudible> I mean, he said it like a deaf kid, but I'm not going to do that because I'm not an asshole. Speaker 4 01:00:45 Yeah. That's funny. Yeah. They were trying to fuck with him and it didn't really work. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:00:50 So as you're, as you're catching this last word, Vesper is there. She was the doctor who had the horses and she is now stitching up. Like y'all Billy is still beating the shit out of Quint, but now she's stitching up like a giant cut in ya'll Billy's back from the back of his neck all the way down. It was ass. Is this giant open slice that she's stitching clothes. Speaker 4 01:01:09 <inaudible> a good second word escape. Uh, what was it? V Vesper is stitching up the horse. Speaker 5 01:01:17 No, she's stitching up a giant gash and yang. Billy's back. Oh, she's stitching up a horse. I like that more. Yeah. Maybe. I mean, she's also like at the same time she's stitching up. She's doing both. I think there's, it's one of those deals where there's like two of her, but you can only see one at a time. Like they're both in the exact same space, but also apart and doing two different things. And as you're watching this a marble, uh, Marisa lights up a cigarette marble that's there, there are couples names, a couple of names. I was, well, I was thinking of Marlboro for a cigarette, but yeah, marble, maybe they both light up cigarettes at the same time, but it's the same cigarette. Or they're passing a single cigarette back and forth. Just like, what is happening? Speaker 4 01:02:07 They're passing the same cigarette back and forth. And they take a drag of it Speaker 5 01:02:11 At the same time as you're about to pass it again, goal is there and she, she takes it like she's in line to pass the cigarette, but you're still smoking the same cigarette. She's looking at y'all Billy and quaint. Well, this is fucking pathetic. It takes a drag. And then she flicked the cigarette away. She's like, I'm sick of this shit. We got to get the Primrose. If I'm without amny for one more fucking second, I'm going to lose my goddamn mind. Speaker 4 01:02:33 Oh yeah. Agreed. This is taken too long. Um, why don't you go back to reality and wake us up. Speaker 5 01:02:41 She takes another drag of the cigarette. She just flicked away and then flicks it again. So as that happens, uh, yeah, Billy like stops what he's doing. And he turns and points at the both of you and just starts laughing like a big hearty, like just pointing and laughing and doing nothing. And then he like mimics a jerking off motion and he's just, he's just pointing and laughing at you. And at that you start to, yeah. And you start to hear this welling sound like at first you think it's crickets. Like it sounds natural, but then it starts to all blend together. And you realize it's the sound of motorcycles. Hundreds of motorcycles, all together, building and building and building until it's the loudest thing you've ever heard. And suddenly you're back there standing at the train yard, each holding a smoking gun and smoking a cigarette this time two different cigarettes and Chi comes up to you new. And he's like, Jesus, fuck. That was fucking awesome. Like he was like, I didn't even get a shot off. And a great, Speaker 4 01:03:38 So now we're we're we are back in reality. Well, this is, we had, we had just killed all those. Speaker 5 01:03:43 Yeah. So they're all dead and Gilead. Speaker 4 01:03:45 It wasn't a hundred. No, it just sounded like that. As we were waking up, Speaker 5 01:03:48 You heard a hundred motorcycles maybe more while you were waking up. And basically what was happening is as, as your Billy was kind of fading away, the desert was just filling with motorcycles, all coming at you from the East. You only know this because the sun was a rising behind it. And the last thing you saw was a dog walking in a circle, looking for a place to lie down. And as it was about to lie down, that's when Kai was talking to you. Great. And you're just like, fuck you. Two were you, two are a fucking miracle. When you put, you put your mind to it. And Horace is sitting on the ground, picking lice out of his hair, while goal is helping Gilly back to her feet. There's like a giant like smoking hole in her gut, but it was absorbed by the body armor. So she's not injured. She's just like coughing. Cause she just got the shit kicked out of her basically. And he's like, well, that was a fucking waste of time. Huh? Okay. Speaker 4 01:04:39 Uh, sure, sure. Was. Speaker 5 01:04:42 And goals just like we need to get the fuck outta here. If we're going to get, we got to get amnesty and get the fuck out of here. This is fucking horseshit. I put up with your bullshit long enough. Let's get fucking moving. Great. Do we still have the car? Are we? Yeah. You took one of the, uh, gross ghosts cars. So you've got two cars and a goal she's helping, uh, Gilly up, but basically gets frustrated like halfway through doing it. And she comes up and she puts a finger in Maris his face. And she's like, I didn't fucking care when she was letting them take other girls. And I didn't fucking care when she kicked out of the camp. But with those motherfuckers are take it entity off to do whatever the fuck Speaker 1 01:05:18 That is. They do. We're going to go fucking find her. And then we're going to go back to Escalante Lake and I'm going to cut that fucking bitches head off <inaudible> Speaker 2 01:05:45 Thank you for listening to this episode of this wicked way, comes written and performed by Joel Sherman and Matthew Saki, Tim Brunner, please. Your one true love DJ cash file. Our theme song was written by Garrett devote and Francesca Caruso apocalypse world was designed and created by Vincent Emma Gay Baker. This wicked weight comes is distributed by KF, community radio 90.3 Minneapolis one Oh 6.7 st. Paul episodes are [email protected]. Please review on iTunes stream on Spotify, Stitcher, Google play, or wherever podcasts are sold. Soiled and salacious. Make us drunk with the power of your praise or med with the solemnity of your disdain on Twitter at this weekend way, contact us at this wicked way. If you're being abused or suspect someone is being abused. Please call the toll free national sexual assault hotline. One 806, five six, hope or visit the online [email protected]. Speaker 1 01:06:52 You heard it here first, all my tweaker trash pandas of radio land, you might not be special, but you are definitely unique and worthy of love just to say you are the only use of lever exist. So make the best of it. Hold on to the pain let's shit on a shingle for this slippery slope into seduction, mystic sedition by ghost twin, support them and ghost twin dotcom, CV out <inaudible>.

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